The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio, 43512, on Thursday, January 16, 2003.  Present at today’s meeting were:  Commissioners Tom Kime and Otto Nicely; County Administrator Becky Wagner; Clerk Alison Grimes and Deputy Clerk Joan Brown.  Commissioner Rich Cromwell was absent.  


8:30 a.m.  General Session – First, Diane Mayer and Tina Hiler, Senior Services Center, stopped in briefly to present information about the upcoming “Seniors With A Heart:” Auxiliary Auction.  It is scheduled for Saturday, February 1 at 11:00 a.m. and will be held at the City’s Perry Street facility.  They presented a list of sponsors and donations and noted how grateful they were for the support of the community.  Money garnered from this auction will benefit County seniors.


Commissioners then reviewed the day’s agenda and agenda items, the calendar of events, signed various resolutions presented by the Clerk and reviewed information each received at various meetings they attended last week.    They were reminded that tickets were available for the County Employees Banquet which will be held Saturday, January 25th at the K of C Hall, Defiance.


9:30 a.m.        Becky Wagner, County Operations Manager/Administrator, presented her weekly update.   Discussed the possible purchase of new typewriters for the Clerk of Courts office as several of their current machines are beyond repair.  She requested approval to purchase both wide and regular carriage typewriters.  Commissioners approved the purchase of up to 3 typewriters – leaving the choice of wide or regular carriage type up to the Clerk of Courts. 


The County Airport asked to have a web site included on the current County website.  It would cost approximately $200 to have the site created.  Commissioners gave their approval.


New signs have been installed at the KeyBank facility parking lot.


10:30 a.m.      Tim Houck, Landfill Manager, presented his monthly update to the Board.  His office is currently working with the Prosecutor to prepare a farming contract for landfill property.  He is also working on the 2003 mowing contract.  At the Board’s request, Tim had the concrete pad in the alley by the KeyBank facility removed.   June Crosser, recently hired as Assistant Manager in Tim’s office, begins her duties shortly. 


Tim and the Commissioners reviewed year-end financial reports, total tons (84,100) and cubic yards (303,863) received and leachate (1,432,780 gallons) totals.  Tim also reviewed the status of various Work Orders for the Landfill and noted that he is preparing bid specs for the purchase of a water wagon.    


The Landfill has received three proposals for the purchase of a used grader - $18,500 for a 1990 Dresser, $12,000 for a 1969 Galon and $15,000 for a 1965 Cat.  No decision has yet been made.


This year’s Defiance Litter Prevention & Recycling campaign is “Plant Pride, Not Litter”.  Spring clean-up of local parks is scheduled for April 5.  Also, a new program being initiated this year is computer recycling.  For further information, please contact his office at 419.784.5442.


He also noted that the Annual Recognition Breakfast is scheduled for April 25.  Tim is looking for a speaker.


As a final note, Tim reminded the Commissioners of the next Solid Waste meeting which will be held on Monday, January 27 at 1:30 p.m. in the offices of the Williams County Commissioners.       


11:45 a.m.  Commissioners met with City officials at Charlie’s Down Under for a City/County meeting.  Representing the City was: Mayor Fred Schultz, Roger Reese, Administrator, Jeff Leonard, Finance Director, and Dave Williams, City Law Director.  Commissioners Tom Kime and Otto Nicely, Operations Manager Becky Wagner and Clerk Alison Grimes represented the County.   After lunch the group discussed various issues relating to the City and County.


Today’s meeting ended at 1:20 p.m.





Approved for news release:                         __________________________

                                                                        Thomas L. Kime, Commissioner