The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Hicksville Village Council Room, Hicksville, Ohio on Thursday, February 2, 2006.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas Kime.  Also present were Commissioner Otto L. Nicely; Becky Wagner, County Administrator, and Lyla Gurwell, Clerk. 


8:30 A.M.     General Session - The Commissioners were presented with various resolutions and documents for approval.  Commissioners also reviewed agenda items, discussed upcoming meetings and reviewed and updated the calendar of events.


The resolution to approve the contract bid for Elliott Road was put on hold until the county receives verification of the availability of funds from the City of Defiance.


Commissioners met with Jerry Hayes from the CIC along with Hicksville Village Mayor and members of his staff.  A proposed ethanol plant was discussed and it was agreed that Jerry Hayes would set up a joint meeting of all concerned entities to discuss any proposals that our community may want to present.


Jane Tadsen, Defiance County Recorder submitted her January 2006 Report.  During the month of January the total instruments were as follows:  Deeds-176, Mortgages-287, Releases-312, Leases-2, Power of Attorney’s-12, Soldiers Discharged-1, Plats-3.  The total of the month of January 2006 was $37,087.65.  $18,341.20 for the Housing Trust Fund and $18,746.45 for the General Fund.


10:00 A.M.    Becky Wagner, County Administrator, submitted her report to the Commissioners. 


Becky reported that she spoke with Tina Hiler, Director of Defiance County Senior Center regarding the services the Senior Center offers to educate the Defiance County Seniors on the Medicare Part D program. 


Tina advised that she utilizes worksheets that assist the seniors in determining their medication dosages and costs for their medications per month.  She then directs them to the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program agency (OSHIIP) as well as the Medicare websites.


Tina also noted that the Medicare website produces more that 50 plans for prescription coverage options.  Tina explains all options in great detail to the individual she is assisting and either helps them to enroll or simply prints out their paperwork for their review.


Once the individual is enrolled in a program, they will receive a confirmation letter in the mail in approximately 2 weeks and the individual will receive their drug card in approximately 3-4 weeks after enrollment is confirmed.


Becky also reported that she continues to work with Beilharz Architects on the Senior Center project as well as the Grand Stand out at the Defiance County Fairgrounds, and the Courthouse plans. 


Becky asked that the Architect go stake out the land for the proposed new Senior Center so as to offer a better idea of how much space will be used for the new facility.  Mr. Overmier stated that he would have information ready for the Board of Commissioners to review by the end of next week.






11:00 A.M.    Ken Bond, Director of Five County Alcohol/ Drug Program Center came in to discuss the possibility of relocating the Administrative offices to a new location in the near future.


Mr. Bond advised that they are growing out of their current location with the number of programs that they offer and the staff that is needed to run the programs, he feels that they are in need a larger facility to better accommodate the public as well as the employees.


Mr. Bond requested that the Board of Commissioners consider doing a long term lease on a parcel of land at the Defiance County East location. 


The Commissioners agree to look at several options and get back with Mr. Bond at a later date



News Release Approved:   _____________________________

                                              Thomas L. Kime, Commissioner