The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio 43512 on Thursday, February 23, 2006.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas L. Kime.   Also present were Commissioners Richard L. Cromwell and Otto L. Nicely, Becky Wagner, Administrator, Lyla Gurwell, Clerk and Joanne Goerlitz, Deputy Clerk.


8:30 A.M.     General Session - The Commissioners were presented with various resolutions and documents for approval.  Commissioners also reviewed agenda items, discussed upcoming meetings and reviewed and updated the calendar of events.


On Wednesday, February 22, 2006, the Commissioners attended the annual Soil & Water luncheon meeting and then held a study session from 1:00 to 3:00 to discuss facility options.  No decisions were made and further discussion and information is needed before any decisions will be made.


The Commissioners awarded the 2006 Bituminous Materials bid for the Defiance County Engineer.  The award went to Asphalt Material, Oregon, OH.  The award represents the MWS 90, MC 30, RS 2, RS 2P, AEP Prime, CM-150, and CM-300.


9:30 A.M.     Becky Wagner, Defiance County Administrator presented her weekly report to Commissioners.


The Commissioners reviewed plans for the 2006 maintenance projects. Becky brought in the Maintenance Supervisor, Ron Cereghin to review and discuss a number of issues that will need to be addressed this year.


A few of the issues that are priorities are the replacement of the roof at the Sheriff’s Office, plans to repair and seal the parking lot near the Maintenance Building at Defiance County East and interior painting that needs to be done out at the EMA building and the Animal Shelter.


Ron also discussed the old boiler system at the courthouse and the heating and air conditioning problems at the courthouse.  These issues will be discussed in further detail after Commissioners meet with Elected Officials at a later date to review all available options regarding the Courthouse construction and/ or renovation.


10:30 A.M.    Auditors Linda Maag and Stever Flickinger met with Commissioners and various county officials for an entrance Audit conference. 


Linda discussed that the annual audit of the Defiance County’s basic financial statements is about to begin.  The purpose for which the audit is conducted is to find any potential issues or concerns that Defiance County may be having.


A timetable was given that indicates what departments will be audited as well as a completion date of June 30, 2006 was mentioned.  Those chosen were the Auditors Office, Treasurer’s Office, Clerk of Courts, Juvenile Court, sheriff’s Office, Child Support Enforcement Agency, Recorder, Engineer, Board of MR/DD, Landfill/ Environmental, Prosecuting Attorney, Sanitary Engineer and Senior Center.


Linda did indicate that there could be other departments selected and there will be follow up visits based on the 2005 findings.


11:00 A.M.    Tina Hiler, Defiance County Senior Center Director met with the Commissioners regarding the appropriations request to Senator DeWine for the Senior Center Building.


Tina is proposing to build the new Senior Center Facility at the Defiance County East location on East Second Street.  The property is owned by Defiance County.  The current Senior Center Building is a 113 year old structure and served the Seniors of Defiance County very well, but they are outgrowing the current  location of operations that include a dining area, kitchen, meal preparation area, storage activity room, office space and record retention space.


The current Senior Services location is unable to host large events due t limited space and the parking is also very limited with only two handicap parking spaces to accommodate the 2,100 older adults who use the facility annually.


The Commissioners along with Tina greatly appreciate Senator Mike DeWine’s 2006 Appropriation, awarding $300,000 to Senior Services and acting as the catalyst to begin funding for the new building project.


Tina also announced that there will be a Defiance County Senior Services Advisory Board meeting on March 7, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. at the Defiance County Senior Center.  They will begin to set a 5-year strategic plan which is a required element for many of their grants.


Tina plans on holding many fund raisers for the new Defiance County Senior Center Facility in the near future.




News Release Approved:   _____________________________

                                              Thomas L. Kime, Commissioner