MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2006



The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio 43512 on Monday, April 24, 2006.  Chairman Thomas L. Kime called the meeting to order.   Also present were Commissioner’s Richard Cromwell, & Otto Nicely, County Administrator Becky Wagner, Clerk Lyla Gurwell, and Deputy Clerk Joanne Goerlitz.


General Session – General Session - The Commissioners were presented with various resolutions and documents for approval.  Commissioners also reviewed agenda items, discussed upcoming meetings and reviewed and updated the calendar of events.


Help Me Grow; Heather Huffman came in for a brief update.  Heather reported the State is updating the Grant Administrations web site and Heather has volunteered to head the Committee that will be doing the update.


Defiance County Engineer, Warren Schlatter came in and updated the Commissioners on the West High Street Canoe Launch.  The Commissioners gave Warren the approval to send the plans to the State for approval.  Once the plans are approved, the engineer will get quotes for the job.


Warren also stated ODOT will have a ground breaking ceremony on May 3rd at the State Highway Garage for the US24 project.


Bruce Clevenger and Barb Rogers, and Teresa Johnson came in from the Ohio State University Extension Office to update the Commissioners on several issues from their first quarter report. 


Bruce discussed 42 area farmers recertified their private pesticide applicators license by attending a local training session.  Over 180 farmers are licensed in Defiance County and must obtain 3 hours of recertification every three years.  The Ag Educator teaches field crops insect pest management, stored grain management and seed treatments for corn and soybeans.  Bruce also mentioned monthly exams are offered from January through April for private and commercial pesticide applicators to obtain new or additional licenses.


Bruce talked about the Conservation Tillage Conference where over 200 farmers and 350 certified crop advisors attended the two-day conference.  One of the topics of the conference was Benefits of Control Drainage Structures.  Controlled drainage is being studied for both water quality of agricultural drainage and crop yield improvements.


Bruce also reported during the months of January through March, over 130 phone calls and/ or personal visits were made to the county agriculture/ natural resources agent. The calls were requesting information on crop and livestock production, pond management and/ or farm management.


Barb Rogers discussed the Family and consumer Sciences which included raising kids, eating right, spending right and living well.



Barb discussed that 4 families had enrolled in the H.O.P.E. program, which is a 7 week program, which parents and youth work together and separately on developing healthy self-esteem, communication skills, anger management skills, and also learn methods for problem solving and conflict resolution. 


Barb mentioned there were forty-six two-hour sessions held with families to discuss money management for first time home buyers.  Referrals for this program came from banks, CHIP, Habitat for Humanity and real estate agents.


Teresa Johnson discussed the 4-H Youth Development programs.  Those programs include Career Development, 4-H Officer and Advisor Training and Career Education.


Career Education is taught because it is crucial that your  be equipped with the needed skills to survive and thrive in the workforce. 


The Commissioners traveled to Paulding County to attend the Four County Joint Solid Waste District Meeting at the Paulding County Commissioners’ Office.


The Commissioners met with the Paulding County Commissioners to discuss the Auglaize River Sewer Project.  Lee Sonnenberg, USDA Rural Development, and Ken Maag Poggemeyer Design Group, was also in attendance for this meeting.  Also discussed Paulding CR 73 right-of-way use.




News Release Approved:   ______________________________________________

             Thomas L. Kime, Commissioner