MONDAY, MAY 8, 2006



The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio 43512 on Monday, May 8, 2006.  Co-Chairman, Commissioner’s Richard Cromwell called the meeting to order.  Also present were Commissioner Otto Nicely, County Administrator Becky Wagner, Clerk Lyla Gurwell, and Deputy Clerk Joanne Goerlitz.


General Session – General Session - The Commissioners were presented with various resolutions and documents for approval.  Commissioners also reviewed agenda items, discussed upcoming meetings and reviewed and updated the calendar of events.


The Commissioners invited Ethan Stykemain, a freshman at Tinora High School, and Eagle Scout with Troop 76 in Defiance to come in to present his Eagle Scout project that he has been working on over the past few months.


Ethan’s project incorporates replacement of the sign in front of Independence Dam State Park along with improvements to the appearance of canal lock number 13.  Ethan also has plans to construct a path leading to the canal that will include steps for canoeing access.


Ethan explained the current sign is old and rotting at the base of the support posts and is in need of painting.  The plant foliage around the sign also needs to be restored with new landscaping.


Ethan explained the canal locks are being taken over by brush and trees.  There are also trees growing between the cracks of the blocks along with moss and dirt, which over the years has both covered the blocks and obstructed the view of the lock.  Ethan’s plan is to restore the area using environmentally friendly methods, safe herbicides and safe tree removal.


The total estimated cost of the project is $2,500 and estimated labor hours are 125. The project will be complete by mid to late June of this year.  Funding for the project will come from money raised through local companies and the State of Ohio.


Those enlisting their help with this project include members of the Boy Scouts of America along with other volunteers who help with Ohio State Park projects. 


Environmental Services has recently lost its State ODNR Environmental Grant because of changes in taxes collected as a result of the 2005 State Budget process and has imposed a financial burden on the County’s Environmental program.  In light of this, the Commissioners approved a letter to be sent to the Defiance County Engineer as well as to the Defiance County Townships regarding Deer Carcass removal on County and Township roads.


Although the removal of the Deer Carcasses is the responsibility of the Township Trustees and the County Engineer, Environmental Services will continue to remove the carcasses and take them to the landfill; however, Environmental Services will send out quarterly billings to both the County Engineer and the Township trustees for disposal.


Defiance County Engineer, Warren Schlatter came in for his weekly update. 


Warren mentioned that Henry Co Line Road north of Jewell Road is closed for bridge replacement. 


Also discussed the Glenburg Road Bridge.  Warren stated the new beams for this bridge would not be delivered until May 30th, but that they are ready to move forward with the project as soon as the beams were delivered.


Warren advised the Commissioners that there would be representatives from the Federal Highway Administration coming in to view the project.  The Engineer will be using the same product used on the Bowman Road Bridge.  This was constructed in 2005 with a new GRS structure which is a more economical and easier to construct than the conventional bridges and they can be constructed quickly.


The Commissioners discuss a grant agreement with the Senior Services





News Release Approved:   ______________________________________________

             Becky Wagner, Defiance County Administrator