The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Hicksville Village Council Room, Hicksville, Ohio on Thursday, July 7, 2005.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Otto L. Nicely.  Also present were Commissioners Thomas L. Kime and Richard L. Cromwell; Becky Wagner, Administrator; Alison Grimes, Clerk, Joan Brown, Deputy Clerk (present during the Defiance portion of the meeting).      



8:30 a.m.      General Session      Commissioners approved and signed various resolutions, contracts and documents, approved several travel requests, reviewed the agenda items and the calendar of events, discussed upcoming meetings and updated information for the calendar of events.


After receiving a recommendation from Poggemeyer Design Group and approval from the Village of Hicksville, the Board of Commissioners awarded the Hicksville Bryan Street Waterline project to All Purpose Contracting, Delphos, in the amount of $41,498.50. 


Pat Slattery, Fairboard President, submitted two proposals for heavy-duty chain link fencing for a portion of the Fairgrounds:


R and C Fence, Inc                      $14,980.00

Fort Wayne, Indiana


Arrow Fence Company                $13,000.00

Fort Wayne, Indiana


After review, the Board approved the $13,000 bid from Arrow Fence Company; the Board noting that the County will cover $11,000 of the total cost if the Fairboard will pay $2,000.00.



Commissioners reviewed the latest report from the County Recorder which noted that 216 deeds, 374 mortgages, 282 releases, 1 lease, 1 partnership, 8 powers of attorney and 3 soldier’s discharges were recorded.  A total of $23,483.75 was deposited to the General Fund.



9:30 a.m.      Commissioners and Staff began the return trip to Defiance.



10:00 a.m.    Becky Wagner, Administrator, presented the following for the Board’s review:


ü     She received word from the Senior Services Center that the Crescent-News will be highlighting the Senior Services Center in an article in the Living Section sometime in July.


ü     Several issues regarding construction work at Defiance County-East were addressed: mail delivery, flagpole location, electrical work, location of the county seal and landscaping/leveling dirt were discussed and resolved.






ü     The Farm Service Bureau will be calling to schedule a meeting with the Board regarding the renewal of their lease at Evergreen Lane.



11:00 a.m.    Members of the County’s Safety Committee, Vicki Lantz and Bruce Clevenger, presented Sharon Scheuerman, outgoing Safety Committee Chair, with a plaque and gift, thanking her for her year of service as Chair.  The Safety Committee also presented the Board with four awards received during the Black Swamp Safety Council Awards banquet.  Defiance County received the following awards which were earned during 2004:


Group Safety Award:         Presented to a company with the lowest incident rate in a safety council group


100% Award:                              For outstanding effort by supervisory personnel and employees in operating the entire year without a lost-time injury


Special Award:                  For outstanding effort in safety by operating without a lost time accident from June 19, 2003 to present and 952,906 hours worked


Achievement Award:          For outstanding effort by supervisory personnel and employees in reducing the annual incident rate by 25% or more



11:15 a.m.    Lisa Karcher, Maumee Valley Planning, met with the Board with the results of the Hicksville Senior Center Parking Lot project bids.  The project is being completed under the County’s FY 2003 and 2004 CDBG Formula Program.  Bids were received from the following:


Gerken Paving, Inc.                     $23,324.20

Napoleon, Ohio


Strable Paving, Inc.                      $19,547.90

Cecil, Ohio


Engineer’s estimate is $22,000.00.


After review, and upon further review and approval from the County Engineer, the Board approved Strable Paving’s bid of $19,547.90.   



At 1:00 p.m., the Board attended a special Planning Commission meeting at Maumee Valley Planning.  During the meeting, Commissioners approved and signed the final plat for Commerce Drive (Manville).



Approved for news release:          _____________________________

Otto L. Nicely, Commissioner