The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio  43512 on Monday, August 11, 2003.  The meeting was called to order by Thomas Kime, Chairman.  Present were Commissioners Thomas L. Kime, Otto L. Nicely and Richard L. Cromwell.  Also present was Becky Wagner, Administrator, Alison Grimes, Clerk and Joan Brown, Deputy Clerk.     



8:30 a.m.        General Session – Commissioners approved and signed various resolutions, contracts and documents, approved several travel requests, reviewed the agenda items and the calendar of events, discussed upcoming meetings and updated information for the calendar of events. 



10:00 a.m.      Gaylon Davis, County Engineer, met with the Commissioners at this time to present his weekly update.  He handed out a copy of the latest ODOT construction update for the Board’s review.   


Gaylon tentatively set a meeting date of Friday, August 15 at 1:30 p.m. to discuss a drainage issue with Charles Everett, Hicksville resident; Warren Schlatter, Engineer’s office; Russ Herman, County Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney and one of the Commissioners.  The site in question is located adjacent to the fairgrounds.    


Gaylon also reviewed accumulated revenue for his department, which is up, and presented flood stage information in graph form.   



10:30 a.m.      The Mark Township Trustees, Vernon Haase, Peter Kennerk and Richard Polter, and Clerk Thelma Bassett met with the Board, Russ Herman, Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, and John Vanderhoff, regarding Vreba Hoff Dairy and Breininger Road.  Gaylon Davis, County Engineer, remained for this meeting.  Due to the amount of road use by dairy trucks, Breininger Road needs widened, repaired and strengthened.  Originally, the dairy was going to fund $30,000, Mark Township was to put in $30,000 and the remainder would come from Tax Increment Financing.   Gaylon informed the group that engineering for the project was completed some time ago.  Total project cost is approximately $95,000 to improve 2,400 feet of roadway, but that figure is several years old.  The group discussed different options in an attempt to reduce the total cost of the project and also discussed other funding avenues.  If grant funding is obtained (Issue II), the scope of the project will be increased.  Gaylon was asked to provide a more accurate cost estimate.  The dairy and the Trustees committed to completing the project, but work will probably not begin on the road until 2004.    



At 1:00 p.m., the Board went to Good Samaritan School where they were given a demonstration for a Diebold electronic voting booth. 









2:00 p.m.        Greg Reinhart, County Wastewater Operations Director, met with the Board to give a brief status update of various county sewer pump stations.  Greg was asked to create an inspection schedule to check flow in each system. 


Greg also asked about handling late fees when the customer is chronically late or allows the bill to ride from month to month.  He will check with the Prosecutor’s office to see what legal recourse he has.           




Today’s meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.








Approved for news release: _____________________________

                                                            Thomas L. Kime, Commissioner