The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio 43512 on Thursday September 29, 2005.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Otto L. Nicely.  Also present were Commissioners Thomas L. Kime and Richard L. Cromwell; Becky Wagner, Administrator, and Joanne Goerlitz, Deputy Clerk.



8:30 A.M.     General Session      Clerk, Lyla Gurwell presented various resolutions, contracts and documents for approval of the Commissioners.  Commissioners also approved several travel requests, reviewed the agenda items and the calendar of events, discussed upcoming meetings and updated information for the calendar of events.



9:30 A.M.     911 Director Carol Armitage, Defiance County Auditor Marlene J. Goodwin and Defiance County Engineer Warren Schlatter met with Commissioners to discuss possible updates to the 911 Call Center.  Carol reported that some grant funding is available for this project which would consist of updating the current 911 System.  The State requires copies of (maps) address points for all addresses in the Rural County areas, Villages and the City of Defiance.   They also require street center line points.  Warren Schlatter reported that we currently have street center line points for the rural roads in the County of Defiance, but not for the City of Defiance.


Defiance County Auditor Marlene J. Goodwin along with the Engineer, Warren Schlatter reported the current Aerial photography only shows address points that reflect parcel ownership, not occupancy.   


Phase one of the project would allow a cellular phone call back number, cell site, and name of subscriber.  Carol is working with their cellular service company to enable them to get the information they will need for the new system requirements.


Carol Armitage and Marlene Goodwin both spoke with a vendor who does mapping by driving the County using GPS equipment.  Carol and Marlene will meet with this vendor as well as others and bring the information back to the Commissioners for further discussion.  Warren mentioned that a GPS system is accurate to 30’.


Further discussion will also take place regarding the maintenance of the new system.  At this point in time, it is unknown what the cost will be to keep this type of system updated and what the requirements will be. 


Phase II of the system would give actual location for not only wireless customers, but calls from computers.  In an emergency, it would also be able follow the call while the driver is moving.


1:00 P.M.     Defiance County Planning Commission met this afternoon to review proposals for Richland Township Zoning Resolutions.  Some recommendations were made to Richland Zoning and Richland Trustees, but will need further discussion and review. 



Also, there was discussion of the interpretation of the width to depth ratio regulations on lots.


The next Planning Commission meeting will involve the review of subdivision regulation review.





Approved for news release:          _____________________________

Otto L. Nicely, Commissioner