The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio 43512 on Thursday September 29, 2005.  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Otto L. Nicely.  Also present were Commissioners Thomas L. Kime and Richard L. Cromwell; Becky Wagner, Administrator, and Joanne Goerlitz, Deputy Clerk.



8:30 A.M.     General Session      Clerk, Lyla Gurwell presented various resolutions, contracts and documents for approval of the Commissioners.  Commissioners also approved several travel requests, reviewed the agenda items and the calendar of events, discussed upcoming meetings and updated information for the calendar of events.


Fair Board Members were in to discuss various issues regarding the Junior Fair Board.  There will be further conversation and meetings between the Commissioners & Fair Board to talk about issues related to the Jr. Fair Board.  


10:00 A.M.    Becky Wagner, Defiance County Administrator discussed final touches to the Defiance County East Building as offices are settling in and getting ready for the open house which is scheduled for October 23, 2005.  Further information will be forthcoming.


Becky also reviewed the leases for the agencies that have moved into the new building.  The Commissioners directed Becky to complete the Leases and get them signed.


11:00 A.M.    Russ Herman from the Prosecuting Attorneys Office came in along with Steve Lankenau of American Ag Fuels and his attorney Erin Strausbaugh  to discuss the use of County owned property adjacent to the land they currently hold title on.  American Ag Fuel is looking in to increasing production of their product and this venture would require additional land to accommodate logistics problems that may arise do to the increase in production.


There are some possibilities pending for the use of the Land.  The Commissioners would like to see some forecasted numbers from America Ag Fuel such as what this will do for Defiance, i.e., guaranteed job creation and growth investment before making a final decision.  There will be further discussion between American Ag Fuels and the Commissioners about this possible future lease of the land. 


1:30 P.M.     Jerry Overmier from Beilharz came in to update the Commissioners on his list concerning the Defiance County East final inspection.  Jerry indicated there are a number of small things that will need to be adjusted before a final walk through with the Commissioners can take place. 


There have not been any complaints or problems reported from any of the agencies in the building since their remodel and move.





2:00 P.M.     The Commissioners and Landfill Manager, Tim Houck had a conference call with Dick Sargeant, the Environmental Attorney for the County to discuss information on the expansion of the landfill.




Approved for news release:          _____________________________

Otto L. Nicely, Commissioner