The Board of Defiance County Commissioners met in regular session at 8:00 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Board of Defiance County Commissioners, 500 Court Street, Suite A, Defiance, Ohio 43512 on Thursday, December 28, 2006.  Chairman Thomas L. Kime called the meeting to order.  Also present were Commissioners Richard L. Cromwell and Otto L. Nicely, County Administrator Becky Wagner and Deputy Fiscal Clerk Sherry Carnahan.


Tina Hiler, Defiance County Senior Center Director was in to update the Board. They may not be receiving as much grant money as original applied for. Tina will review the budget with the Board after six months and make adjustments as necessary. Donations for the new building continue to come in. Tina requested one Commissioner attend a meeting with her and the Area Office on Aging to discuss the meal reimbursement. They will only be receiving a minimal increase for each meal delivered/served. The average donation collected from each senior is between $1.26 and $1.54. This is well short of the $3.30 unit rate provided by Area Office on Aging.


General Session – The Commissioners were presented with various resolutions and documents for approval.  The Commissioners reviewed agenda items, discussed upcoming meetings, and reviewed and updated the calendar of events.


Jim Harris was sworn in as the newly elected Commissioner by Judge Joseph Schmenk, Common Pleas Court Judge.  Also, Bruce Goodwin, newly elected State Representative – 74th District, was sworn in by Marlene Goodwin, Defiance County Auditor.


The Investment Advisory committee, Treasurer - Karen Tubbs, Landfill Director - Tim Houck and Clerk of Courts - Jean Ziegler came in to discuss the current investments the County has. Productive Portfolios has submitted a new contract for investment advisory services they provide. Karen will have the Prosecutor’s Office review and approve this and bring it back for signatures.


Tim Houck, Director of the Defiance County Landfill came in for his monthly update with Commissioners.  Tim reported November was the best month for total sales for this year. Tim is waiting on bid specifications from the consultants for the landfill expansion. The next Solid Waste meeting will be on January 29, 2007 @ 1:30 p.m. in the Williams County Commissioner’s Office.


Becky Wagner, County Operations Manger/Administrator presented her report to the Commissioners.  There was an exhaust stack installed on the generator at Defiance County East. This will be partially covered by a grant from OEMA. The general fund will provide the required match amount.


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Commissioner/ Chairman – Thomas L. Kime