Mansfield Rd Bridge
Bid Date: 9/21/2023
Engineer's Estimate:
RG Zachrich Constr. Vernon Nagel        
Defiance OH Napoleon, OH        
UNIT TOTAL UNIT TOTAL                
Item Description Quantity Units PRICE COST PRICE COST                        
202 Pavement Removed, As Per Plan 1643 Sq. Yd.  $                     5.00  $               8,215.00  $                     4.00  $               6,572.00
202 Guardrail Removed 185 LF  $                     5.00  $                  925.00  $                     2.00  $                  370.00
203 Excavation  1,800 CY  $                     5.00  $               9,000.00  $                     8.00  $             14,400.00
203 Embankment 1,800 CY  $                     8.00  $             14,400.00  $                     8.00  $             14,400.00
Special Spreading Recycled Materials 1552 SY  $                     4.00  $               6,208.00  $                   10.00  $             15,520.00
206 Cement Stabilized Subgrade, 12" Deep 1552 SY  $                     8.00  $             12,416.00  $                     7.00  $             10,864.00
206 Cement  41 Tons  $                  275.00  $             11,275.00  $                  250.00  $             10,250.00
304 12" Aggregate Base (Drives) 30 Tons  $                   45.00  $               1,350.00  $                   58.00  $               1,740.00
407 Tack Coat 148 Gal  $                     2.50  $                  370.00  $                     3.25  $                  481.00
823 Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Type 1 (449) PG64-22, As Per Plan 103 Ton  $                  158.00  $             16,274.00  $                  115.00  $             11,845.00
441 Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course Type 2 (449) PG64-22, As Per Plan 144 Tons  $                  137.00  $             19,728.00  $                  125.00  $             18,000.00
606 Guardrail, Type MGS  112.5 Feet  $                   22.40  $               2,520.00  $                   22.40  $               2,520.00
606 Guardrail, Type MGS 10' Radius 18.8 Feet  $                   30.00  $                  564.00  $                   30.00  $                  564.00
606 MGS Bridge Terminal Assembly, Type 1, As Per Plan 4 Each  $               2,460.00  $               9,840.00  $               2,460.00  $               9,840.00
606 Anchor Assembly, MGS Type A 2 Each  $               1,490.00  $               2,980.00  $               1,490.00  $               2,980.00
606 W-Beam Flared End Section 2 Each  $                   65.00  $                  130.00  $                   65.00  $                  130.00
626 Barrier Reflector, Type A2 8 Each  $                   12.00  $                   96.00  $                   12.00  $                   96.00
659 Seeding 4500 SY  $                     1.10  $               4,950.00  $                     1.50  $               6,750.00
659 Top Soil 15 CY  $                   35.00  $                  525.00  $                   50.00  $                  750.00
202 Portions of Structure Removed, As Per Plan 1 Lump  $             23,800.00  $             23,800.00  $             15,000.00  $             15,000.00
202 Wearing Course Removal 166 SY  $                   10.00  $               1,660.00  $                   10.00  $               1,660.00
515 Prestressed Concrete Composite Box Beam Bridge members (CB42-48) Level 1 7 Each  $             16,500.00  $            115,500.00  $             18,450.00  $            129,150.00
516 1"7"x10" Elastomeric bearing w/ Internal Laminates Only 28 Each  $                   65.00  $               1,820.00  $                   85.00  $               2,380.00
Special Steel Drip Strip 150 Feet  $                   16.00  $               2,400.00  $                   16.00  $               2,400.00
509 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing 7,177 Pounds  $                     1.35  $               9,688.95  $                     1.70  $             12,200.90
511 Class QC2 Concrete Bridge Deck with QC/QA 32.2 CY  $               1,300.00  $             41,860.00  $               1,200.00  $             38,640.00
511 Class QC1 Concrete, Pier 8.9 CY  $                  860.00  $               7,654.00  $                  620.00  $               5,518.00
517 Railing-Twin Steel Tube Bridge Railing 137.5 Feet  $                  209.60  $             28,820.00  $                  210.00  $             28,875.00
832 Erosion Control 1 Each  $               5,000.00  $               5,000.00  $                     1.00  $                     1.00
614 Maintaining Traffic 1 Lump  $               5,000.00  $               5,000.00  $               3,500.00  $               3,500.00
624 Mobilization 1 Lump  $             18,000.00  $             18,000.00  $             10,000.00  $             10,000.00
  Total  $         382,968.95 Total  $         377,396.90